Friday, October 12, 2007

Tow quotes for this day Oct 12

The first quote is from Saint Therese for oct 12
Oh how happy this little bird is to be little and weak, If I were big and bold how would I appear in your presence and beable to fall asleep?

The second one if from Blessed Padre Pio
Don,t tire yourself with worries, anxieties and purtubation,s. All is needed is to lift yourslf spirit up and Love God.

These quotes are so peaceful. As I sip my morning coffee, I give thanks to God for everything in my life, even the trials, if I had to trials to go through and everything ran smooth would I ever need to pray to God for his mercy.

It is beautiful here again this morning, 62 with the windows open. I love this weather.
Jesus I give thanks to you today and thank you for this day, Please let me never stray from you or take advantage of your mercy and Love, In Jesus name amen

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fall finaly arrived for a visit!!

Oh how happy I was this morning to see that Fall finialy arrived. I have been waiting for this visit for so long! It is only 62 here this morning and you can realy feel the change in the air. Even the coffee taste,s better this morning! I have all the windows open and just the fans going. This is my kind of morning! Yesterday it was so warm, but as they say yesterday is gone! As I was watching the morning news with hubby we seen a piece on the Monarch butterflys. It showed how they are leaveing new York now and heading to Mexico. It was realy amazeing to watch them in flight! They are beautiful. It showed the how the children in New York are catching them and tagging them with a tiny tag and a name and email address so when they reach the South they can be tracked. If the Monarch takes a wrong direction in flight it will stay the wrong way for about a week untill it gets its bearings on course again and continue to fly south! I will be on the look out for Monarchs!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

If your appy and you know it clap your hands!!

This blogging is so much fun! I feel like a star full of fame and interest! Then I think ok enjoy it now, it may be your 15 minutes in the spot light then it could be all over. I just found another comment on my Blog from a lay named Angela, I,am so happy that you took the time to say hello to me and welcome me to blogland. I see you said yu came in through Tammy! This is so much fun! Angela you said blogging is good for the soul. I ,am beginning to feel like that. Even if we just blog for ourselves to get feelings and thoughts down in words. The bonus is when friends stop by to say hello! I,am sitting here sipping my morning coffee with a grin! Speaking of blogging being good for the soul, I just bought the book called Care of the soul by Thomas Moore from ebay. I,am waiting for it to arrive. I can,t wait to read it. Has anyone read that book? My morning started like any other the alarm went off I headed to the kitchen to start coffee and then breakfast for hubby. I had the news on and while I was scrambeling some eggs I heard that the Yankee,s lost last night to the Indians. Suddenly I felt mad. I,am just starting to get into baseball and watched some of the game last night but did not see the end. I went to bed. So now im in the kitchen feeling like this huge baseball fan and my team lost, so I,am feeling mad. Then as I went to pop the english muffins in the toaster I hear the eather report, more heat and humidity for Texas , ya whats new , so in my mind im still mad, yankee,s lost , more heat for us, untill all of a sudden I hear snow in Idaho!!! My ers perk up I dash for the livingroom where hubby is sipping his coffee. I stand there looking at the tv screen yes!! I heard right tiny snow flakes falling in Idaho. I clap my hands together in one big clap and say yes there is hope for us!! Snow in Idaho are just the words I needed to hear to make me smile. Im thinking if there is snow in Idaho there is still hope for Texas to break this 90 + degree heat sometime soon. So now in my mind im thinking if your happy and you know it clap your hands. Hubby is still sitting there ready for work trying to wake up sipping coffee waiting for breakfast looking at the tv with a blank half asleep look and here I have already had all these emotions in my mind. He glances up at me and looks at me as if I have pms the way I,am acting, he doesn,t realy know what to say so he gives me a sideways grin and goes back to sipping his coffee. I went back to finish making breakfast with a little skip in my step just thinking snow in Idaho!! There is hope for texas to maybe drop down to the 80s!! And now when I got on here to type a new post I met another new friend Angela! I will go visit her blog today! Is this joy real or is it pre menopause symptoms? I think I will stick with just real joy!! If your happy and you know it clap your hands!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

100 things about me

I started this alittle while ago got to 57 and lost the whole page so here goes again if I can make it?
1. My husband and I have known each other since I was 13, started dateing at 17 , married at 18 . still married im 47
2. My husband and I grew up in New york, Moved to Texas for his job been here ever since.
3. We have no children but plenty of dogs and cats that are m chldren!
4. I have conversations with my animals and believe they understand me!
5. I hate zoo,s I hate to see caged animals.
6. I hate the circus. I don,t think bears should ride bikes.
7. I don,t like the color blue.
8. I wer alot of black, mostly tops.
9. In highschool my friends called me the blak widow because I wore black so much.
10. I had long hair all my life nearly to my waiste, I got it cut a year ago
11. My hair is naturaly dark brown I went blonde when I gt it cut and like it!
12. I,am of the Catholic faith
13. I,am Italian.
14. I have a strong sence of family.
15. My dream trip would be to Italy and to visit the vatican
16. Im short 5ft 2
17. I don,t mind being short except every extra pound shows on me.
18. I love sweets and chocolate but they go right to my waist.
19. I still eat them ha!
20. I love to see red barns covered in snow when I go back home to visit!
21. I love the macy,s day pararde!
22. I love Thanksgiving because that is the day I put my christmas tree up and start decorateing for the holidays!
23. I love Fall and winter!
24. I love to cook and bake!
25. I have always wanted to try my hand at golf!
I like football and just started getting interested in baseball.
26 I started needing reading glasses when I turned 45
26, I envey anyone who can do cross word puzzles.
27. I like to do the word search finds.
28. I love to read.
29. In shool my faviort subject was English and I was a good speller now Im very rusty!
30. I don,t like the color blue
31. I can,t walk in heels and dislike dainty shoes.
32. I have to wear make up every day or I don,t feel dressed,
33. I have to have paint on my toe nails and finger nails.
34. I love classic rock from the 70.s
35. I love Paverotti
36. I love to crochet and cross stitch.
37. I envey anyone who can quilt!
38. I,am afraid to drive most especialy in heavy traffic. I have no sence of distance
39. I love to sit by the water and watch the sun set when me and my hubby get the chance!
40, I miss the snow.
41. refuse to judge anyone, refuse to.
42. If im told a secret you would have to cut my tounge out to pry it out of me, That is the Italian in me ha!
43. I hate excersise refuse to do it!
44. I love love to read mystery,s
45. I,am enjoying this blogging!
46. I love a rainy night!
47 . My memory is not as good as it use to be , got bad when I hit the 40,s
48. I hate grocery shopping.
49. I love to cook
50, I love to watch the food network
51.I love vintage tupperware!
Im hooked on ebay!
52 I love to collect cook books!
53. I refuse to watch animal precent it is way too sad.
54. I love to watch HGTV
55. I love to collect red wooden handeled kitchen utencils.
56. I love vintage linens.
57. I love turquoise jewlery
58. I love anything Native American
59. Now I think I better push post publish befor I loose this page . Hha!

Thinking of ?

What to write on my blog? Trying to think of something inspriring, witty, interesting, worth a read. As I sit here with my morning coffee why is hard to find something interesting. It started out like every monday morning, the alarm goes off, get up make the coffee and start breakfast for my husband, feed the animals turn the news on sip coffee chat with hubby befor he has to leave for work. The weather man tells us more heat and humidity for the rest of the week with possible rain. How do you get in the mood for Fall when it feels so tropcal? I went grocery shopping yesterday , it was very humid, by the time I got in the store I was nearly ring and wet and not from my morning shower but from the humidity. I walk in the store and what do I see to the left of me? Frosty the snowman and Santa on display. The grocery store is selling Christmas cards and Christmas decor and farther down the row is all halloween stuff. That is normal the stores always get a jump start on the seasons, but I felt like I was being rushed to enjoy my season. Let me slowly take in the pumpkins, gourds, Fall colors of Halloween decorations not to mention the rows and rows of halloween candy. Then my eys skip to the red,s and green,s of The Christmas things. I don,t like to be rushed, Doesn,t life go by fast enough. Im not sure where I was going with this story? I guess coming back to this morning when the weather man was saying more heat and humidity. I want to get into the Fall spirit! I will light my pumpkin pie candles today and get the scent of apple in the air with some other candles. I will be visiting other blogs who have pretty Fall decorations to look at to better get into the mood. I may open up some of my cook books see what they have to get me in the mood for Fall. Something very inspiring I did see on the news this morning was an American GI who was wounded in the war. He came home blind. This solider, hero reached deep inside of himself for courage and strength and faith and soon he was training for the Marathon with all of our other heros who have been wounded in the war. Some were running with a limb missing others with different wounds. This Blind brave hero ran with a guide and a shoe lace tied to his guide, In the midst of all the noise of the street sounds and the marathon all around him he was able to concentrate enough to run by just following his guide, if his guide tugged alittle to the left this brave hero went left , if the guide went slightly to the right this hero followed slightly to the left. The remarkable part of the whole news piece was that the camera man said he had lost sight of this blind hero and his guide during the race because they did so well together , they so blended in with the other runners that the camera man was amazed. This was a very inspriring news piece. As I sat back down to start writing on here I glanced at my book shelf for more inspiration and seen my book on Mother Theresa Saint of the gutters. Who would not be inspired by her ? And on a lighter note I ganced at my book The red hat society Titeled Laugh lines! another book of of inspriation full of gems! So maybe this post should be called, Thinking of inspiration! I like that!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

An ordinary morning depending on how you look at it.

This could be an ordinary morning,But looking at it my way is a bit different. Its raining this morning a good morning to sleep in, but for some reason I woke up early about 4:45 and came out to make coffee. My coffee maker gave out on me, so me still needing my morning coffee very bad, went searching in the cupboards for an old coffee maker I bought on ebay. Its a vintage one , I love the look of it . It looks something like a coffee maker I seen on I love Lucy years ago. So I proceeded to make my coffee in it this morning and it came out very good. Now I,am wondering why I had it put away? Was I saving it as a collectable? Why not keep it out if I like the look of it so much and it works well? I was pondering this while I was putting cream in my coffee cup, then came to mind my new blog. I said to myself as if I suddenly had a new job as a writer for a news paper that I had to come up with an interestering artical for m morning blog, Looking at the clock standing in the kitchen with coffee cup in hand thinking gee I need to get my mind working quick I need to write something . Then I thought to myself there is an artical that comes out in the sunday paper that I have always enjoyed, but haven,t read in awhile. Just ordinary subjects. Ok so now I,am comparing myself to other writers suddenly thinking Im in the newspaper business and people will be waiting to read their daily paper and looking forward to enjoying my artical. So next I,am thinking gee I should dig around in my book collection for my old dictionary so I can hone in on my spelling which is very rusty . I think it maybe laziness on my part. Anyways Im walking to sit down with cup in hand at the keyboard thinking ok, here goes, write something good ready go........ Blank. So the way I look at it, this was not an ordinary morning, this was one started off with my thinking cap on instead of standing in the kitchen just making coffee half asleep ready to come in and relax and read blogs that I enjoy, it was a morning that I had suddenly become a writer! But I do think this blogging business has to be done for ourselves. A diary of sorts if you will. wow, im suddenly talking in a writers language, ha

Friday, October 5, 2007

An Interesting Book

I was thumbing through my book club flyer that I received in the mail today from book of the month club. There were several books in there that caught my eye,But one stood out. The name if the book is How Starbucks saved my life A memoir by Michael Gates Gill. Michael Gill lived a charmed life right up untill the day in hus mid 50ss when he was fired from his high paying executive job. Then the rest of his life began to spiral downward. He beame one of those people who walks around Manhatten wearing an expensivesuit but has no place to go. Untill one day a young managerat Starbucks asked Gill if he wanted a job, and he surprised himself by saying yes. Gill started cleaning bathrooms and mopping the floor. He discovered he had alot to learnabout working in a coffee house. When he moved up to the cash register, he was so agitated he didnnt even realize he knew one of the customers untill she said Hi Dad ! Nothing in Gill,s past- growing up in a mansion, holding an imporant job, sociallizing with celebrities- had prepared him for the challenges of being a coffee house employee, including the challange of making ends meet on the salary. But after struggling with this for months, he came to an astonishing realization, he respected himself more than at any point in his life, and he could even say he,d never been happier. This book stood out in my mind. I would like to order it but may wait and find a copy on ebay. I love to look through my book club flyers and see what is new out or what realy looks good and then go to ebay and buy a copy for a lesser price. I belong to several book clubs and have forfilled my obligation at each club on buying books. The best part about joning was always picking out 5 books for like 1.00 and you pay only shipping and handeling. Then you get this great book club magazine flyer each month to see if you want this months selection or any other then just place an order or decline and none will be sent!I love the book clubs and love to shop on ebay for books especialy when they have a seller that is selling them in a lot. Like a whole box starting bid under 5.00 and you pay shipping which is very reasonable if you get the media shipping. or ask for book rate! Well I wanted to post this book, I thought it looked to be an inspireing book! Funny how I may be getting use to this blogging business already and quit like it!